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«  Січень 2025  »


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Included in the Register of children and youth international, all-Ukrainian artistic competitions, festivals.
Considered and recommended by the Coordination Council of the State Methodological Center for Educational Institutions of Culture and Arts of Ukraine on March 21, 2017


Vinnitsia Regional State Administration,

Vinnitsia Regional Council,

Executive Committee of Vinnitsia City Council,

Consulate General of Poland in Vinnitsia



Of the Seventh International Competition of Young Performers

"Podilsky Vodogray"


Competition Organizers:

Department of Humanitarian Policy of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration,

Department of Culture and Creative Technologies of Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Public organization "Podilsky Vodogray"

Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic,

Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art

Communal Higher Education Institution «Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College»


The competition will be held remotely!

Instructions for adding a video to YouTube


Legal support:
LLC "Legal center O. Heinis"



Deadline for applications:

- until 08 of May 2024

Results of the competition:

- 05 of Maу 2024

Sources of financing of the competition :

- Due to the organizers, sponsors and registration fees

Goals and objectives of the competition :

- Identify and support young talented performers ;

- Promotion of professional academic musical art ;

- Development of international cultural relations;

- Exchange of experience teaching and performing ;

- Increased diversity and pedagogical repertoire of art schools ;

- Educating the aesthetic tastes of the younger generation.

Participants of the contest :

In the contest of young performers of "Podolsky Vodograi" attended students specialized in primary art schools (schools of aesthetic education) and students of higher artistic educational institutions of I-IV accreditation level in Ukraine and abroad.

Nominations: "Piano"; "Guitar"; "String bowed instruments"; "Wind and percussion instruments"; "Piano Ensembles"; "Woodwind Ensembles", "Academic vocal"

Categories of participants :

a) primary pupils specialized art schools:

- A - 7-9 years;

- B - 10-12 years;
- C - 13-16 years;

b) students of higher artistic educational institutions of I-IV accreditation (music, pedagogical colleges, and schools for Culture and Arts)

- D - students and II courses of music colleges and colleges of culture and arts.
- E - students of III-IV courses of music colleges and colleges of culture and arts.
- F - students Pedagogical University, specialty "musical art" and pedagogical colleges.
- G - students of music academies (conservatories)

Note: Students cultural institutions have the right to choose the category "F" or "G"

The fee is paid at registration of participants:

Account in UAH:

Account in EUR:


For ALL categories - 450 UAH(20 EUR)


The jury consists of leading professors of music education in Ukraine and foreign countries, composers, famous artists, representatives of state government cultural education in Ukraine.

Conditions of participation :

- To participate in the International contest of young performers "Podolsky Vodograi" admitted students of primary specialized art schools (schools of aesthetic education) and students of higher artistic educational institutions of I-IV accreditation level in Ukraine and foreign countries.

Winners of first place in the previous competitions "Podolsky Fountain" can not participate.

- Participants must perform 2 Diverse pieces, one of which is masterly. It is desirable that one of the works was a Ukrainian author. Time performances: for primary pupils - 10 min., for students of art institutions and II levels of accreditation (schools of music, music colleges, and culture schools) - 15 min., universities - up to 25 minutes.

Evaluation criteria

In evaluating counted technique, artistry participant skill in discovering the artistic image.

To participate in the party organizer sends via e-mail:

1. The application for participation in the competition (completed form), and the photograph;

2. a copy of the birth certificate or passport with the date of birth;

Travel and accommodation for participants in Vinnytsya in the opposite direction, as well as stay in the competition at the expense of the sending party.

The jury determines the winners (I, II, III place) and diploma (IV-VI places) competition in each category.

The insufficient number of participants can be combined categories.

The jury may not be awarded a place. The jury's decision is final and not appealable.

The winners will be awarded diplomas of the contest will receive prizes and special prizes from organizers All contestants will receive diplomas participants. Teachers and concertmasters will receive certificates.

The Committee reserves the right to broadcast, audio - and video competition performances and free use of this material without the permission of participants.

In case of refusal to participate in the competition registration fee is not refundable. Participation in the competition is considered as full acceptance of all terms and regulations.

The organizing committee is not responsible for the loss of documents during postage.

Submission of applications for participation in the competition for all categories by May 10, 2024.


E-mail: podilskiy.vn@gmail.com
Director of competition Dautov Vladimir Zakirovich

phone: +38(063)-109-3557 +38(095)-583-5310

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